Friends have asked me: “a cat blog, Margaret? Why? You write about your cats on your other blog, too, so why start another one?
That’s true. I have written a lot about my life in Tuscany with Stefano and the kitties, and I will continue to do so.
But recently I began fidgeting a bit, perhaps because I’m staying more at home than I did before March 2020, when Italy went into a full Covid-19-caused lockdown. The lockdown has been over since May 2020, but even now I try to avoid unnecessary outings because of my impaired immune system. Coronavirus, unfortunately, is still alive and well, so we must all be careful…
Point is: I’m home a lot, and I have more free time than I had before the pandemic…
Another reason to have a separate blog: I’ve also gotten a bit tired of reading scientific and medical articles for Margaret’s Corner. I’ve done that, happily!, for years (and will continue to do so), and I’m certain that my research has saved my life, but everyone needs a break every once in a while. And what could be better than thinking and writing only about cats for a few minutes a day? 🙂
And now for the most important reason: Potter. Our new kitten, 4 months old today, has inspired me to pick up my pen again (well, okay, to put my fingers back on the keyboard!). I’d almost completely lost my desire to write during the coronavirus pandemic…
Oh, didn’t I just say that I wanted to think and write only about cats? Hah! I will, I will…I just wanted to make a few preliminary comments…
Tomorrow, providing I have the time, I’ll write and post Pavarotta’s story, a story of abandonment, but with a happy ending…